Giuseppe Cataldi
International Law and Law of the Sea
University of Naples L’Orientale

Giuseppe Cataldi is Professor of International Law at the University of Naples L’Orientale.
He is Former Director of the Department of Social and Human Sciences in the University of Napoli L’Orientale (2020 – 2023) and University Vice-President (2008-2014). He is President of the International Association for the Law of the Sea (AssIDMer), former EMUNI (Euro-Mediterranean University) Management Board Member and Senate Member); FAO GFCM-Lex Project Manager; Holder of the EU Jean Monnet Module “Sea of Laws”. He is Co-founder and co-director of “Diritti umani e diritto internazionale”, co-director of “The Italian Yearbook of International Law”. Member of the Italian Society of International Law (Vice-President, 2012 – 2013) and of the Société française de droit international.
He was Coordinator of the European Network Jean Monnet “MAPS” (Migration and Asylum Policy Systems. Weaknessess, Shortcomings and Reform Proposals, 2018 – 2022), and former Director of the “Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet on the Protection of Migrants’ Rights in the Mediterranean Sea” and former holder of a “Jean Monnet” ad personam Chair on the “Protection of Human Rights in the European Union”.
From 2000 to 2015 he directed the “International Institute for Juridical Studies”, CNR (Italian National Research Council). He has worked as Consultant for many International as well as National Institutions (also Italian Parliament, 2019 on Migration issues) and private firms, pleading beyond numerous international courts. He was Former member of the Expert Group on “Mediterranean Governance” appointed by the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature). Consultant to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for matters concerning the law of the sea, he was a member of the Italian delegation to the 21st session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee (1997). He was legal advisor to the European Union Commission – Directorate General for Fisheries, on the legal issues of fisheries management in the Mediterranean, and in this capacity member of the official delegation of the European Commission to the Diplomatic Conference in Crete (December 1994).
Author and editor of many articles and books on International Law and European Union Law issues, in particular concerning Law of the Sea, Human Rights, Migration, Relationship among domestic and international order. In 2007 he gave a course at the Hague Academy of International Law (“La mise en oeuvre des décisions des tribunaux internationaux dans l’ordre interne”, Hague Recueil, 2017). He has been Visiting Professor in the Universities of Faro (Portugal), Cordoba (Spain), Kobe (Japan), Alexandria (Egypt), Paris 1 Sorbonne and Paris 2 Sorbonne-Assas (France) Shanghai, Qingdao, Xiamen and Beijing (China), Quito (Ecuador), Tirana.