Giovanni Pelonghini
Business Consulting for Business Creation
University of Macerata

Giovanni Pelonghini is Business Consultant and Professor at several Italian universities.
Graduated in Economics and Business at the Faculty of Economics of the Polytechnic University of Marche, after professional experience in the banking sector – dealing with economic and financial studies, strategic planning and marketing, management control – and in the corporate sector – acting as investor relator manager of a company listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, he is currently a business consultant and teacher.
In the field of business consultancy, he deals with business creation and business plans, project finance and subsidized finance for various economic sectors, technical assistance in the field of bank credit.
In the field of teaching, already a contract professor of Business Valuation at the degree course in Management Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan; of Banking Technique at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Urbino; of Economics of Financial Intermediaries at the Faculty of Economics of the Catholic University of Piacenza; of Development Economics and Microcredit in Developing Countries at the Department of Biosciences of the University of Camerino, he is currently a contract professor of Business Economics of Public Administration at the Department of Law of the University of Macerata; contract professor of Agricultural Economics at the specialization school in Animal Health and Zootechnics at the Department of Biosciences of the University of Camerino; contract professor of Business Economics at the Biomedical Engineering course and of Business Economics and Organization at the Industrial Sustainability Engineering course at the Polytechnic University of Marche, teaching assistant of Political Economy at the Department of Law of the University of Macerata; sole speaker at the seminars on business creation with business plan methodology at the Department of Economics of the University of Urbino.
His teaching activity is broad and heterogeneous in other training and professional contexts, including master’s degrees and post-graduate courses. He is the manager of a training body accredited by the Marche Region in which he deals with the planning, organization, coordination and reporting of training projects financed by the ESF. He is a tutor for entrepreneurial microcredit and rural microcredit for the National Microcredit Agency in Rome. Designer and coordinator of European projects on economic issues and business creation, he has been co-author of publications on the topic of entrepreneurial opportunities in the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, of publications on the dynamics of the black market in the Marche Region, of publications on the topic of savings and banks.